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Full depth reclamation has become increasingly popular in recent years, largely thanks to its effectiveness and cost savings. This unique pavement service can reclaim old material to produce a new stabilized base course. In most cases, it’s a more viable solution than traditional demolition, excavation and reconstruction, successfully addressing ongoing issues associated with base degradation or foundational problems.

The GeoMasters is a brand-new service provider offering Georgia full depth reclamation services to paving contractors. We have the expertise and equipment to tackle jobs big and small, allowing contractors to better serve their clients. With FDR from The GeoMasters, contractors can offer soil stabilization in Atlanta and beyond, providing a long-lasting solution to clients dealing with major pavement issues.

What is Georgia Full Depth Reclamation?

FDR is a versatile service that accomplishes many goals. It’s a great option for property owners dealing with repeated damage. Parking lots, roadways and driveways that experience constant damage often deal with deeper issues like subgrade degradation and foundation problems. When the underlying layers of asphalt and base course aren’t stable, surfaces become riddled with voids, alligator-skin cracks, potholes and more.

With FDR, we can address those problems, no matter how severe they are. It’s also a form of soil stabilization. Georgia full depth reclamation involves reclaiming and reusing existing material instead of bringing in new raw materials to build a base course. Through pulverization and blending, we can recycle existing asphalt down to the base layer to start anew.

The entire goal of FDR is soil stabilization and base course restoration. Once completed, property owners will have a new, strong and reliable base ready for new paving. It’s a great way to address all repair issues with one service while upgrading surfaces to achieve better load-bearing capabilities for lasting durability.

How Does Full Depth Reclamation Work as a Soil Stabilization Method?

George full depth reclamation is a highly efficient and eco-friendly soil stabilization method. Standard soil stabilization is a process of improving the engineering properties of existing soil to improve strength, enhance load-bearing capacity and more. This may involve amending the existing soil with new aggregates and binders.

Full depth reclamation also involves soil stabilization. But unlike traditional methods, it typically doesn’t require contractors to bring in truckloads of new material. Instead, you reclaim the existing pavement. After pulverization, machines blend the broken material with the soil. Depending on the project’s needs, we can use more additives to enhance the base course.

Common soil stabilization methods include mechanical, chemical and bituminous stabilization. Mechanical stabilization involves adding new aggregate. In FDR projects, the aggregate is usually nothing more than the old pulverized asphalt. Chemical stabilization uses additives like cement, lime or ash. Meanwhile, bituminous stabilization uses asphalt emulsions.

What’s right for the project will depend on the pavement’s previous condition and planned future use. Either way, FDR is a powerful form of soil stabilization in Atlanta that delivers excellent results over the long haul.

How Full Depth Reclamation and Soil Stabilization in Atlanta Benefits Property Owners

There are countless reasons to consider FDR for repairs and soil stabilization in Atlanta.

First, this approach is cheaper and more eco-friendly. It reuses existing materials that property owners have already paid for. That means fewer raw materials and reduced delivery and transportation costs.

Secondly, FDR is a versatile and highly efficient technique. It addresses repair issues at the source, eliminating common causes of damage like subgrade degradation or poor drainage. No matter the extent of the damage, the team at The GeoMasters can pulverize surfaces as deep as necessary, including part of or the entire asphalt base.

FDR is a game-changer for soil stabilization. Reusing materials greatly enhances load-bearing capabilities and base course reliability. The result is a smooth, issue-free new surface that can serve for decades without the worry of constant repair work.

Why Turn to The GeoMasters for Full Depth Reclamation?

When your clients need Georgia full depth reclamation, The GeoMasters is here to help. We serve paving contractors in and around the Atlanta area. While contractors can handle new paving projects, maintenance and repairs, few are properly equipped to perform reclamation projects. FDR requires expertise and specialty equipment, and The GeoMasters is fully qualified to help you serve your clients.

The GeoMasters is a new branch of The Surface Masters, Atlanta’s most trusted and rewarded paving contractor. Contact The GeoMasters today to learn more and get a free Georgia full depth reclamation quote. You can use our contact form below, call us at (770)250-6392 or email Info@TheSurfaceMasters.com.