Most companies devote a great deal of time during the fourth quarter to analyzing the current year’s expenditures and preparing a budget for the coming year. Spending more than the funds provided in the budget can leave you scrambling to find alternatives, including the reallocation of money from other line items in the budget. You likely pay a great deal of attention to various schedules to ensure that you are not under- or over-staffed, paying unnecessary overtime rates, or making multiple appointments for the same time. Therefore, it is not surprising that you expect your Atlanta asphalt paving company to pay careful attention to your budget and your schedule. The odds that your expectations will be met increase if you take a proactive role in your project, and this starts with finding the answers to a few questions.
Why Do I Need the Services of an Atlanta Asphalt Paving Company?
First, you need to know what you already have. Is your Atlanta asphalt paving less than five years old, or did an asphalt paving company install it 20 years ago? Are there so many potholes that your asphalt paving in Atlanta is unsafe? What services have asphalt paving companies provided during your pavement’s life? Is your pavement strong and stable, but you feel its appearance detracts from the image you want to project? Asphalt paving companies usually ask about your pavement’s age, appearance, and condition during an initial phone call, so it can be helpful if you already know the answers.
How Much Is Available in My Budget for My Atlanta Asphalt Paving Needs?
Even before you begin collecting bids from Atlanta asphalt paving companies, you should determine how much is available in your budget. Reputable asphalt paving companies make recommendations, but they never twist your arm to commit to services you cannot afford. Experienced Atlanta asphalt paving contractors know that there are often ways to work around a customer’s budgetary constraints. For example, a major project for asphalt paving in Atlanta does not necessarily require an all or nothing approach. Your asphalt paving company could divide your work into distinct phases that can be completed separately over time.
Does My Project Require Special Considerations That My Atlanta Asphalt Paving Company Should Know Before Signing a Contract?
Trustworthy Atlanta asphalt paving companies will do everything they can to avoid cost overruns or scheduling conflicts. However, they need to know all the relevant facts before they commit to a price and a schedule. For example, if you need your parking lot resurfaced by a specific date to mark a massive sale created by your corporate marketing department, your contractor needs to know. Although asphalt paving companies are accustomed to working weekends or holidays, you need to communicate your scheduling requirements up front.
Can My Atlanta Asphalt Paving Company Reach Me Throughout My Project?
Asphalt paving in Atlanta can be affected by the weather, or your asphalt paving company could encounter something unexpected at your site. If you are planning to leave to take a two-week boat trip on the Amazon River, you need to make sure that you designate someone with the authority to make decisions in your absence. Be sure that your asphalt paving company knows your alternate’s name and contact details.
How Do I Find a Trustworthy Asphalt Paving Company in Atlanta?
The Surface Masters is a highly experienced asphalt paving company serving the greater Atlanta area. We have won numerous awards and recognitions, have impeccable references, and are known for our exceptionally high-quality craftsmanship. In addition to asphalt paving in Atlanta, we offer asphalt repairs, sealcoating, milling and reclamation, and crack sealing as well as pavement markings and concrete curbing. Contact us for a free quote by calling 770-250-6392, emailing, or using our online request form.