How Often Is Asphalt Sealcoating Required in Atlanta?

If you have an asphalt parking lot, you may have based your choice on asphalt’s aesthetics, safety, or longevity. However, without sealcoating, your pavement could be at risk of losing all the qualities that you valued when you chose asphalt paving. Asphalt sealcoating is not a one-time treatment, though, so you need periodic applications throughout […]

Is Crackfilling Necessary Before an Asphalt Overlay?

Regardless of the paving material used, no pavement will last forever. In some cases, the only option is to remove the existing concrete or asphalt pavement, then build a replacement pavement. Fortunately, many asphalt pavements can be salvaged by installing an asphalt overlay. If necessary, the procedure for overlaying an asphalt pavement will need to […]

Good Practices From a Professional Sealcoating Contractor

Asphalt pavements are ideal choices for many municipal, commercial, and industrial properties. The combination of a rapid installation, an economical cost, a long life, and the pavement’s aesthetics has helped make asphalt the leading paving material in North America. However, asphalt pavements do need a bit of maintenance to maintain their visual appeal, reduce the […]

How Can I Prevent Asphalt Damage While on A Budget?

Although asphalt pavements are comparatively inexpensive to repair, frequent repairs can quickly add up, and they can also affect the aesthetics of your parking lot. As is normally the case, it is better to prevent damage than to repair it. Fortunately, it is possible to prevent asphalt damage through budget-friendly pavement maintenance procedures. What Are […]

How Do I Evaluate the Capability of an Atlanta Paving Contractor?

The most important person on any paving job is the contractor. Whether you need pavement repairs, routine maintenance, a new pavement constructed, or an old pavement rebuilt, you need a competent contractor. With so many contractors vying for your business, it can be challenging to identify candidates who are right for the type of work […]

How Do Contractors Prepare for Sealcoating a Parking Lot?

There are many tasks that require careful planning and preparation prior to embarking on them. Experienced cooks do not begin a complicated recipe without first ensuring that they have the necessary ingredients. Arborists do not cut down a tree without determining where it will fall. Painters make sure that they protect floors and other furnishings […]

How Do I Assess My Asphalt Parking Lot?

Although an asphalt parking lot costs less to construct than a comparable concrete lot, it still represents a sizable investment that deserves protection. Timely repairs and routine maintenance can often double the life of a parking lot. However, before you can remedy an issue, you need to know that it exists. The easiest way to […]

Atlanta, Georgia – To Pave, Or Not To Pave?

America is known as a car-dependent nation with an excellent interstate system and millions of miles of paved roads. Therefore, many people are surprised to learn that at least a third of all American roads are unpaved, and some studies estimate the actual number exceeds 50%. The exact percentage changes from year to year; new […]

Let’s Start the Year Right With Sealcoating Savings Benefits

Asphalt is an extremely cost-effective paving material for a wide range of pavements, including parking lots, suburban cul-de-sacs, and walking trails. However, to maximize the return on your asphalt investment, you need to provide with a bit of routine care throughout your pavement’s life. One fact that you should not overlook is that the sealcoating […]