CEO Ready, established in late-2017, is a series created by U.S. Pavement Services where the concept of CEO Ready is discussed by a different array of individuals within the work environment. What does it mean to be CEO Ready? If the CEO of a Fortune 500 company visited your job site, would he or she be satisfied, or even better, impressed beyond expectations of you and your project? The Surface Masters Team played host to the Series Originators where Justin Meier, President and Owner, discussed the concept along with other business topics with Andrew Musto, COO of U.S. Pavement Services.
CEO Ready can be achieved through various avenues such as training, procedures, company culture, mindset, and the list goes on. In today’s episode, Justin and Andrew discuss the mental and physical aspect required to be properly prepared for that moment when the CEO of your customer’s company walks on the job site! Proper, prior planning is essential in both aspects. On the mental end, you are portrayed as the expert in the industry and you must be ready to be “peppered with questions” at any given moment as well as providing your prospect and/or client with accurate industry knowledge and solutions. On the physical side, its critical to look the part. Your job site must exemplify the professionalism, expertise and safety the CEO always expects.
Company culture also plays a key role in the CEO Ready concept. Justin converses about hiring for attitude and training for skill and how that has played an immense role in creating a positive and creative company culture. The culture created has the team focused not so much on doing it better than the competition, but more so differently that their competition. The “can do” attitude and “lead by example” mentality the company has implemented has yielded great results with quality, productivity, low employee turn-over, and positive customer experiences!
Check out this installment of CEO Ready. Preparation, hire for attitude, lead by example, and passion….all of these actions can help a company and/or individual be CEO Ready.